Monday, November 15, 2010

Flat Daddy Has Dinner with the St Clair Family

In order to try to give Caitlin a better weekly routine and to help with her emotional adjustment issues, I have given up a regular commitment I have had on Monday nights. For now on Monday evenings for 90 minutes or so we break bread with the St Clair family. Tonight - Flat Daddy went to dinner too!
Flat Daddy, Caitlin, Seamus with the MRE leftovers!

We had a leftover MRE, so we took it with us tonight for dinner. :) Everyone tried a little bit of everything. FYI - the chili with beans is HORRIBLE! Caitlin was really excited because at Military Kids camp this summer she got to eat MREs so she basically provide the MRE lesson for the evening. You could see the joy beaming from her as she talked about how her Daddy sometimes eats these. Oh the simple things in life!

I enjoy dinner with the St Clair family for a totally different reasons
  1. It is very close to home.
  2. A great home-cooked meal that I don't have to cook.
  3. ADULT Conversation
  4. They love my husband dearly and they do ask about him - but the genuinely care about us too. They ask how I am doing and what they can do for ME.
All of this is just a simple gesture, that means more to me than I can express. Dinner tonight, recharged my batteries.

They also seem to "get it" without having been a military family, they have lived in different cities while he was going to seminary and she was raising 3 children - weekend visits just weren't the same!

Please don't get me wrong there are many kind people out there that do many great things for us. I will keep trying to repay the kindness bestowed upon our family!

God Bless!

Mrs. Flat Daddy

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